TERRA is here!

Today is my birthday, so I am sharing the gift I gave to myself...the launch of my new Avant-Alternative travel concept album TERRA.

Welcome to Air Terra Flight EA 918. We hope that you are comfortable, and properly acclimated for this journey through TERRA. You will experience sensations....colors...places ...people......we will dance...we will laugh...we will cry...and occasionally ask "Why?":


Written and recorded around the world in mostly single takes, and on a 16-track recorder, the idea was the challenge myself to play everything while forcing the best ideas out with very little means [16 tracks]. A few friends contributed including John Taylor [ Duran Duran ], Steve Ferrone [ Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Duran Duran George Harrison BeeGees Eric Clapton Slash Michael Jackson and everyone else you can think of], composers/producers Starr Parodi & Jeff Fair and their up and coming violinist/pianist/ vocalist/songwriter daughter Isolde Fair [singing in the video], the choptastic Kirk Kelsey [ The Smashing Pumpkins Keith Urban ], and a few other technical and spiritual advisors who've made a world of a difference.

Seat and tray tables in the upright position please.


Keep moving forward ---------------------->

ERIC ALEXANDRAKIS T e r r a [Album Cover].jpg